[Techtalk] email question

P Casper sylph at cyber-dyne.com
Thu Jan 23 13:06:04 EST 2003

Way back when (college), we used to use "from" on the command line to do
that, but I haven't been able to find the utility to install it on my


Poppy,                                  sylph at cyber-dyne.com
Friend of the Penguin

Students nowadays, complaining they only get 5MBs of disk space! In my day
we were lucky if we had one file, and that was /dev/null...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jennifer Davis" <davi0302 at algonquinc.on.ca>
To: <techtalk at linuxchix.org>
Sent: 23 January, 2003 11:55 AM
Subject: [Techtalk] email question

> I was wondering if there was a commandline utility out there that would
> display the headings for the most recent emails.  Basically, what I would
> like to do is pipe the output to a file in my www/htdocs directory and
> write a little javascript page that forces the page to update every 10
> minutes or so.  It would serve to let me know what is going on with my
> personal box when at work or in school.
> Thanks in advance...
> jenn
>  14:52:26 up 24 days, 20:51,  3 users,  load average: 1.47, 1.37, 0.93
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