[Techtalk] improving computer usage in schools

sara neuroticia at neuroticia.net
Wed Feb 12 14:16:55 EST 2003

Hm. I can't think of any integrated ones, but I know I used Yellowdog
Linux on an old powermac as a server, and it was a powerful little
server. (Outpaced a Windows server with MANY more resources) It was very
easy to set up to run alongside OS 7/8. So if you could get them to
allow you to install Yellowdog, that might work. Yellowdog also comes
with a lot of great apps, some of which might interest kids. 

Unfortunatly, it's still an x86-based world out here in geekdom. 

You could always try to come up with a CD-based distro of Yellowdog.
*grin* Or suggest the idea of it to the folks over at Yellowdog--they're
rather nice and accommodating.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: techtalk-admin at linuxchix.org [mailto:techtalk-
> admin at linuxchix.org] On Behalf Of Beth Johnson
> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 11:57 AM
> To: TechTalk -- LinuxChix
> Subject: Re: [Techtalk] improving computer usage in schools
> I just handed a Knoppix Jr. disk to our principal last week.
> Unfortunately it only runs on Intel processors.  Someone's missing a
> major boat here:  there are tons of schools with old Macs that could
> use
> a Linux distro geared for kids, and would live to see a livecd but all
> the well-integrated projects I've looked at only work on Intel. We
> need
> something that will work on PPC!  Anyone know of one?
> regards,
> Beth
> who has major plans for an old box running RedHat and Apache to do a
> WiKi at her kids' elementary school

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