[Techtalk] Considering an OS change

Tracey Grrl Geek grrliegeek at elenari.net
Fri Apr 18 13:39:21 EST 2003

> On Thu, 17 Apr 2003, Jennifer Davis wrote:
>> As much as I like ^H^H^H^H love Slackware, I find that I have less
>> time to manage it and was thinking of running an easier OS for my
>> router pc
> hi all.  i hate to be annoying (too late) but the OS is not slackware
> or redhat or debian.  that is the distribution.  the OS is the linux
> kernel with basically gnu software driving it.

(snip) True :)

> i get somewhat irritated that redhat is trying to make one think that
> it is the operating system, that you have to use theirs and theirs only
> to use certain software.  this is incorrect.

I actually had someone at work ask me if I wanted him to burn me a copy
of "Linux 9.0". :b I corrected him.

Linux Counter #264789

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