[Techtalk] NO Start

Andrew showork at adelphia.net
Wed Oct 16 01:44:30 EST 2002

	It's nice to know I am not alone, it is also nice to be back 
at my familiar Mac keyboard. The speed of this Mac is something to 
experience since using a current up to date Linux based CPU. I almost 
need to wait between keystrokes for the Mac to catch up.
	I shorted the CMOS and found it was not the cause. I was able 
to do the BIOS from scratch still, it stops after failing to load the 
	It is my guess a complete re-install would work, as you 
described. I have a few things I'd rather save if possible.
	If I don't get an answer by tomorrow I guess I will need to 
start from scratch format and all. I feel this will work, but would 
really like to know why. Why this setting is stuck...? Kudzu does not 
"speak-up". Is it kudzu or kuduz?

	Have a nice Day!,

>The good news is, you're not alone. I went through the exact same thing
>that you're describing on one of my installs.
>The bad news is, I still don't know how to fix it. I wound up
>reinstalling, and in the install, setting it to not try and detect
>network connection.
>I'm thinking if you can get your hands on a copy of Knoppix (or another
>bootable GUI cd), you may be able to use that to edit to appropriate
>init file, provided someone can point you to the right one. I'm using
>Knoppix as my recover cd now, cuz it's just so darn cool.
>On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 18:14, Andrew wrote:
>>  Hi All,
>>	I am in a rut and have not figure out, a way out.
>>	On startup after a few lines of ok's I get...
>>	"Bringing up interface dummy0: tlan device does not seem to
>>  be present, delaying dummy0 initialization"       Failed
>>  Nextline: Bringing up eth1:
>>	There It just sits Stops hangs
>>	It is my intention to skip ethO, an on board chip I believe
>>  it is not supported by Mandrake yet. That is not the issue. I need
>>  help just getting past it (eth0) to eth1 a 3-com card.
>>	Using the CD as a rescue disk has not yet got me past this
>>  hurdle. I am even using My old Mac to write this. Computer wise I am
>>  in tough shape. Can anyone throw me a line??
>>  --
>  >	    Have a nice Day!,
>  >		Andrew
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>Friend of the Penguin
>A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
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	    Have a nice Day!,

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