[Techtalk] Debian 3 and X-server

claudia monsviridinus at tin.it
Tue Oct 1 21:37:29 EST 2002

Il lun, 2002-09-30 alle 20:19, Dave North ha scritto:
> Claudia:
> > I was wondering if it could be a problem of hardware (the screen) or
> > something else? I've never configured a server X.....
> > Any idea about how to solve that?
> As usual, instead of being able to say "do this!" it just means more
> tiresome questions...
> 	Debian does not install any X server at all just by running the
> installer, so I don't know what steps you've taken to get X going.
> 	However, if you have been asked questions about your screen and/or
> video card, odds are you've begun the process. If not, make a few notes
> about your video card (amount of RAM, brand name) and your screen (really,
> just the native resolution -- 800x600, 1280x1024, whatever -- it's an
> LCD, right?) and type (_after_ reading the rest of this note):
> 	tasksel
> ...into your console. There should be an option there for Graphic Desktop
> or some such. If you click that, a storm of things will be installed,
> including Gnome and some KDE elements, and a graphic login system of some
> sort (gdm, xdm, kdm -- kdm is most reliable; gdm a bit faster).
> 	If that sounds like too heavy a load for your system, pick a
> window manager of some sort (icewm is fairly lightweight; windowmaker,
> whatever) and try:
> 	apt-get install chosenwindowmanager
> 	This will also lead to a storm of installs, including an X server
> and other assorted stuff, but won't lead automatically to a graphic login
> or Gnome/KDE.
> 	If you've already done all this but not been asked for information
> about your screen and graphics card (debian asks about keyboard and mouse
> anyway) Something Is Wrong.
> 	Clear enough so far? Or am I totally missing something?
> Oh, if you have trouble finding the exact package name of your chosen
> window managers, there are lots of ways to find out. At this point, you
> could try:
> 	apt-cache search [ice] [windowmaker] [xfce]
> ... and see what pops out.
> If you'd like to see a list of what you have available, try: (as a user,
> not as root)
> 	dselect
> and follow the instructions. If you accidentally installed it without
> knowing, you can also try the convenient:
> 	aptitude
> ...and if you don't have it, you might be advised to try:
> 	apt-get install aptitude
> ...and run it as a user. The advantage to running "aptitude" or "dselect"
> as a user at first is, they won't install anything, no matter how many
> goofs you make. And it's possible to get into some truly awful install
> modes until you know your way around.
> d

Thank you very much for your explanations : as you probably guess I'm
new to Debian.
I'm sorry : I saw your  email just  a minute ago,but previously I
installed Debian another time with the X server but no desktop manager
and then I tried to install fluxbox ( a window manager based on
blackbox), because this time (really I'm sorry but I don't know
why,probably I did something different during installation) when I login
I can have a kind of jurassic environment (not so good at all....).
I failed because when I type configure I have some errors : the script
fail in finding X libraries and headers.
I modified configure script putting in it their path,but I have other
So I decided to try to install the Desktop managers with tasksel as you
suggested too : now thy're installed but when I login KDE tries to start
but dramatically fails!

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