[Techtalk] Stuck-Desk-KDE
showork at adelphia.net
Sun Nov 3 06:24:57 EST 2002
Hi C.S. & All,
Yes, I did look at that current session check box and made sure it was
not selected. That is why I find it so weird. The loading of Konqurer as
an empty window is what makes me think somethong is actually wrong, like
something is "stuck".
In addition the terminal window text looks faint and washed out(only in
this "desktop", not on any of the others). Also when using Sylpheed in
this "auto loading" window the whole of X seems to have a much higher
tendency to freeze up. In general if my Mac's did this (and they do
sometimes do similiar stuff) I would do a rebuild of the desktop DB or a
zap of the pram.
I don't know the Linux commands for this kind of thing. Also if it
were a Mac I would check for fragmentation of the fs by running Norton.
Again don't know Linux commands or if it is necessary using reiser
w/mdrk 8.2.
On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 00:16:14 -0800
Carla Schroder <carla at bratgrrl.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 02 November 2002 23:54, Andrew wrote:
> > Main question; On the KDE desktop I have the standard/default four
> > separate "desktops"in my user space. One of them (#2) loads a group
> > of 4 programs on startup. I don't want that. only one program is
> > intended to start on loading the KDE desktop. They seem stuck?? I
> > tried clearing the clip board on each desktop, no luck, also
> > unchecked reload existing desktop on start-up.
> > Where does one look to stop these programs from loading. I must
> > point out one of them is Konqurer, it show a blank page, very
> > un-Konqurer like, the other is a terminal, third I don't remember,
> > fourth is Sylpheed which is intended to load on startup. Weird thing
> > is they load on the no. 2 desktop not the usual no. 1.
> Are you checking the 'save session' box when you log out? Don't save
> the session if you don't want apps to come back on the next startup.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Carla Schroder
> Bratgrrl Computing
> www.bratgrrl.com
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