[Techtalk] linux helpdesk software?

Jacqueline McNally jacqueline at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Sun Mar 3 17:41:07 EST 2002

At 02:00 PM 03/03/2002, bsweeney wrote:
>Hey all,
>Once of my co-workers has been trying to get a good helpdesk/computer 
>tracking database setup in my department, and I started looking as well 
>but have been unable to find anything that's really flexible.  I was 
>wondering what other linuxchix might be using?  We're looking for 
>something that's:
>1) Very flexibe.  Like to be able to edit what fields are in different 
>forms/tables, like adding types of hardware that aren't built into the 
>2) Fairly easy to use/admin/setup.  Unfortunately, neither myself nor 
>anyone else that would be using this knows php or mysql/postgresql all 
>that well.
>3) Web interface
>4) Real-time "queue" of issues, viewable by users reporting problems and 
>tech support staff
>5) Different levels of users, those that can add machines, address issues, 
>etc, and those that can just submit problems and view status of problems.
>6) Chat room/posting board for users to communicate with admins and each 
>other (this would be a nice feature, but not necessary)?
>7) Free, or at least cheap (<$200)
>We'd like to try and make the trouble-ticket sytem tracker software all 
>one package, since they'll share a lot of data anyway.
>Any suggestions?

Hi Brian

Have you checked out Request Tracker:

Essentially you can define a set of tasks and can track them on-line. Any 
communication via email can be CC'd into the system for complete 
traceability. There is a Debian package of RT 1, but I believe the latest 
RT 2 is the one to go for, not sure whether this is a Deb pkg yet. You also 
need perl (and perlmod) and mysql I think.

I have not had to set up Request Tracker, I am only a very recent end user 
(with admin rights) so I cannot comment on installation and configuration. 
We are using RT 1 as the fellow that set it up (days before he went on 
holiday) is familiar with Debian. The PLUG conf committee are using it to 
plan and organise Linux.conf.au 2003. Once we established what a "queue" 
and an "area" is, we have been working quite well together as a newly 
formed team making requests, stealing tasks, and even getting thingz done 
tasks  :)

The example on the Request Tracker web page is a support scenerio. I have 
not looked at the setting up documentation, except to note that some exists.

You can set up the level of security for viewing and it's open source.


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