[Techtalk] How do I get pcmcia wireless card to work

Terri terri at zone12.com
Sun Jul 7 14:37:45 EST 2002

> I bought a new laptop this week (myfirst) and installed mandrake 8.2 on
> it.  My netgear 401 wireless card is hot swappable so when I unplug/plug
> it in, I get a couple messages from cardmgr on console listing the
> manufacturer and model of the card..  but when I cat
> /var/lib/pcmcia/stab. It says both pcmcia slots are 'empty'.    Man page
> states that a low pitch sound means cardmgr failed to load the driver,
> so I'm assuming the low pitch sound means it has failed?   Can anyone
> give me a couple quick tips for getting networking running on this
> thing?  Or point me in the right direction to some online info?  I've
> been searching for a couple hours with no luck.  =)

Yup.  Low pitch means it didn't work. 

The usual thing:
* double check any logs for messages that'll give a clue as to what
precisely what wrong
* make sure that your card actually is in your pcmcia config file
(/etc/pcmcia/config on my machine).  If it isn't, add it.  The manufacturer
may have the appropriate info on their website or you might just need to
update your pcmcia config file. (pcmcia-cs.sf.net for the latest)  

This info will look something like this:
card "Linksys Ethernet"
  version "Linksys", "Combo PCMCIA EthernetCard (EC2T)"
  bind "pcnet_cs"

* make sure that you've actually compiled the appropriate bits into your
kernel.  In my example case (a random Linksys card I pulled from my config
file) the thing you'd need to have is "pcnet_cs".

pcmcia-cs.sf.net should have links to all the extra information you might
need, but I haven't really looked at the site in a while so I won't swear it
does. :)

Good luck!


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