[Techtalk] Keeping legal notices in Docbook.

Raven Brooke rbrooke at maine.rr.com
Mon Jan 21 10:27:45 EST 2002

On 21 Jan 2002, Jenn Vesperman wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-01-21 at 16:22, Mary Gardiner wrote:
> >  * Produce text without an HTML intermediate step. And will it include
> >    URLs? If not, is there any way to generate HTML contains the external
> >    URLs, but not any document internal URLs (since they're useless when
> >    you convert to text with links -dump anyway).
> Yes, text is one of the formats for the configuration tools I'm aware
> of. (I used to use sgmltools)
> >  * Is there any way to get jade/docbook.dsl to produce an output file
> >    named anything other than t1.html? jade's documentation is lying
> >    about the function of the -o flag as far as I can see, because no
> >    matter what I put there, t1.html it is!
> Don't know, I'm not familiar with that tool.
> >  * Is there any way to force the output to contain the contents of any
> >    <legalnotice></legalnotice> tags? Jenn is using them in the FAQs, but
> >    they don't show up in the output, which is rather a nuisance. It
> >    would be nice to have text and HTML versions that actually include
> >    the licencing.
> That'd be a stylesheet issue. (Fiddling witht he stylesheets was
> something I never learned to do.)
> Jenn V.

Could you use a SSI? <!--#include virtual ="global/legalnotice.html" --> 
or some 
***No, I will _not_ fix your webpage.***

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