[Techtalk] Two Totally off-the wall Questions

Conor Daly conor.daly at oceanfree.net
Wed Feb 13 00:00:56 EST 2002

On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 09:59:26PM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
wny-tc at juno.com thought:
> Hi.  Keith here in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamp
> A couple of questions:
> 1 - If I want to set up an old PC as just a Linux Email box, what do I
> need for hard drive space?  I have a couple of old Pentiums here, a 75
> MHz with 24 MB RAM and a 540 MB HD and a 233 MHz with 64 MB RAM and a 1.6
> GB HD.  I am sure that the larger, faster one will hack it, but how about
> the old/slow box?
Home Server is a P200 with 64Mb and 6Gb (1.5Gb is for / and the rest is
/home and is exported NFS for other boxen).  The mail spool resides on /
which has 500Mb free with X and Gnome installed.

Your P75 should have no problem running a mail server and perhaps a few
other services.  The P233 would be a servicable desktop with Gnome and all
(My desktop is an AMD350 128Mb).

> 2 - I have inherited an old IBM Thinkpad 350 from one of my brothers. 
> It's a 486-33/12MB RAM/850MB HD.  Is there any chance of being able to
> run any sort of tiny Linux installation on that machine?

Home Firewall is a 486-66DX 32Mb / 240Mb  Runs RH6.2 with a custom kernel
and its only responsibility is to handle and firewall the internet 
connection.  No X, no apps, as little as possible installed but quite
Happy hacking...

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

Domestic Sysadmin :-)
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