[Techtalk] Java J2sdk 1 3 1 upgrade from jdk 1 1 8
Edward Bradley
BRADLEDW at uk.ibm.com
Tue Feb 12 15:33:48 EST 2002
You can have as many JREs as you like on any machine. Just add the
"jre/bin" subdirectory to your PATH, after making the contents (should
include java) executable. The CLASSPATH should also include the current
directory (e.g. export CLASSPATH=.:$CLASSPATH)
To test that the JVM is installed correctly, run "java -fullversion" and
check that the output sounds reasonable.
Gd Luck,
Raena Lea-Shannon
<raen7 at ihug.com.au To: techtalk at linuxchix.org
> cc:
Sent by: Subject: [Techtalk] Java J2sdk 1 3 1 upgrade from jdk 1 1 8
techtalk-admin at lin
12/02/2002 13:42
I am installing Limweire and it requires Java Runtime j2sdk1.3.1. On
SuSE installation it comes with JDK 1.1.8 for Star Office.
I have a very limited knowledge of this JRE stuff and fear stuffing up
Do I rm jdk 1.1.8 and then chmod+ j2sdk1.3.1 then
./j2sdk1.3.1 and bingo?
Then once I have j2sdk unpacked I gather I have to set a path in some
profile somewhere. I did this in RH 7.2 once before in the bash_profile
but SuSE has no such file.
Help greatly appreciated.
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