[Techtalk] New to the list...new to linux

jenn at simegen.com jenn at simegen.com
Sun Sep 30 11:47:07 EST 2001

Tianna Thomas wrote:

> Unfortunatly, I'm working with the box remote...so gnome is out of the
> question.  Is there a web GUI for this type of stuff?  I know that Win2k has
> a nice web based admin...anything similar available for linux?

webmin is an apparently-good Linux web interface.

> I am SO hiring a Unix admin on Monday...wonder if it's too late to get the
> ad in the sunday paper? Oh wait...they won't let me...I gotta learn all of
> this on my own.  DARNIT.


A note re 'do I need the /' - yes, you do. The '/' is to Unix what 
the '\' is to DOS - it's the separator for the directory trees.

Suggestion: If they won't let you hire a Unix admin (like, say, one 
of us!), try to get them to let you hire a Unix consultant - or to 
send you on a training course.
At minimum, make them let you buy a good book.Or a library of them.

It's been aaaages since I needed a beginner's guide .. but I'm sure
enough of the people on this list can offer suggestions!

Also: I'm writing for O'Reilly's online site, and the audience spec for 
most of my articles is: 'a beginning sysadmin, knowing just enough to 
get into trouble'. (well, not -precisely- that, but that's what I'm 
aiming at!).

My articles aren't quite what you need, I suspect - but other articles 
at the site should help you understand aspects of the 'new' system.

The site address is: http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/

(Actually, most of oreillynet is likely to be useful at some point).

The Unix family (of which Linux is a branch) is a more mature, older
family of operating systems than NT. Almost any problem you can come up
with or think of has been/can be solved - but some of the solutions will 
be idiosyncratic. Many of the authors have 'grown up with' the Unix way 
of doing things. Which is why it seems so strange, coming from a Windows 

Mind you, Windows seems REALLY strange to me. So it's a culture-shock 
thing. :)

Jenn V.
     "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
             you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.

jenn at simegen.com     Jenn Vesperman     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/

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