[Techtalk] Rhat question<problem>
Judy Hayes
SilverTrinity at cybertown.com
Mon Nov 19 10:42:28 EST 2001
Tha machine comes up on its own no problem... did finally find the problem in the messages log... when the command is issued for the fdisk the kernel errors saying "dazed and confused but trying to continue" then reboots again. machine comes up... functions alright except for the fact that I cant fdisk, mkfs or anything like that... OK I am off to pull the card... will keep you posted
--- Brian Sweeney <bsweeney at physics.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>First, if you need the machine working, I'd pull the card out. If it
>fixes the problem, test the card in another (non-production) machine
>before putting it back in. If that's not an option, check the seating
>of the card (or other cards) make sure everything's in firmly.
>Also, what's generating the error on reboot? The BIOS? Linux? I'm
>afraid I've never heard this error, so I can't be sure, but if it's
>being generated BEFORE the kernel's loading, it's probably the BIOS
>logging facility. I'd check there. If it's the kernel, it really
>should be in /var/log/messages I would guess; maybe /var/log/boot.log?
>Finally, do you have a boot disk or CD you can try booting from, to see
>if that can bring the machine up?
>Hope it goes well...
>Judy Hayes wrote:
>> Help! Here is the situation... when rebuilding the kernel 2.4.9 on an IBM server I ran an fdisk /dev/sdb and when the command is issued I get an immediate reboot. The system worked fine last week, the only change I made was added an emulex card to my box however I have yet to build the drivers. I am receiving the error upon reboot "see system error log, Unexpected NM1 at F000:C655" Does anyone know 1. where the sys error log is located, it isnt at /var/log/messages and 2. what is causing this. Thank you in advance!
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