[Techtalk] Re: and so it begins

Raven, corporate courtesan raven at oneeyedcrow.net
Wed Nov 7 18:21:24 EST 2001

Heya --

Quoth Amanda C. Clift (Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 04:12:25PM -0500):
> Unfortunately though, all of this information
> has dissapeared from my Ifconfig, so I'm going to have to do it again.
> I think my boss went in and deleted it or something.  Very strange
> indeed.
	Nah, you just need to add the commands to one of your startup
scripts.  Otherwise they're not run when the machine is rebooted.  Under
Mandrake, they're in /etc/rc.d -- you'll see a bunch of directories
there, corresponding to the different runlevels of the machine.  A
runlevel is basically "how much stuff gets loaded" -- runlevel 0 is
shutting down the system, runlevel 1 is single-user mode, runlevel 3 is
standard multiuser mode with networking, runlevel 5 is the same as 3 but
with Xwindows started by default.

	So under Mandrake, you'll see directories under /etc/rc.d like
rc0.d, rc1.d, etc.  If your server normally boots into runlevel 3 (you
can see what the default runlevel is by looking in /etc/inittab for a
line like this:

# Default runlevel. (Do not set to 0 or 6)

) then go into the directory rc3.d.  You'll see a whole bunch of scripts
there with names starting with K or S.  Scripts that start with K kill
processes when the system enters this runlevel, and scripts that start
with S start new processes when they system enters this runlevel.  The
order in which the S scripts are run depends on the number right after
the S.  So S75wuftpd would be started before S80httpd, for example.

	You'll want to add your networking commands to a startup script
after networking is enabled but before anything that uses the IP
aliasing is started.  Just add them to the script the exact same way you
typed them on the command line.  Or, you can create your own startup
script with just those commands in it.  Just call it S[some appropriate
number]aliasing or something, and remember to set the permissions and
ownership to match all the other scripts in that directory with chown
and chmod.

	To test it, reboot the system and see if it comes up with your
aliasing set up.

"A whole group of non-fire poi, much like a motorcycle gang on
 scooters with learner permits?"
  -- Ryan, on the neophyte DC spinny gang

"Do you want me to page you the TCP MD5-BGP RFC?"
  -- me, I'm ashamed to admit, on RFC 2385.  Too many acronyms.

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