[techtalk] Yet Another Installation Question

Brian Sweeney bsweeney at physics.ucsb.edu
Sat May 19 15:09:38 EST 2001

Well, I think this used to be the case.  I remember having problems with
RAID on older (6.0 maybe?) RHL installs because of this problem.  Bear in
mind, your fstab file USED to read something like

	/var		/dev/hda5

So if hda or hdb switch around, that fstab won't work.  However, nowadays
the fstab's use LABEL parameters.  I haven't figured out how this works (if
anyone's interested in explaining, I'd love to hear it =)), but I think it
solves that problem.  (ie, you can now move drives around without an issue).

But, that is speculation; don't have anything but a laptop in front of me,
so I can't try it right now...


> Interestingly, "coldfire" mentioned how with "cable select" jumpered on
> the HDs, the linux drive would become /dev/hda for the install and then
> /dev/hdb after the 'doze drive is reconnected.  Does anyone know if you
> can set the linux HD to "Slave", disconnect the 'doze drive (which is
> "Master") and install have linux see the Slave HD as /dev/hdb or will the
> box just not boot?

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