[techtalk] cable modem?

Erica . erica at technodyke.com
Sun Jun 10 15:43:40 EST 2001


I am a novice with Linux, and I have searched all over and seem to have hit a wall. I can't seem to find instructions on how to hook up a cable modem for Linux (I'm using RH6.2, btw). Every page that I find directs me towards a page that resembles http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/Cable-Modem/isps.html , and when I scroll down to "optimum online, new york and connecticut" it links to http://www.netaxis.com/~wharris/optimum/index.html , which seems to be a broken link. Can anyone help? All replies are greatly appreciated...

TechnoDyke.Com -> http://www.technodyke.com

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