[Techtalk] I've lost my prompt

Malcolm Tredinnick malcolm at commsecure.com.au
Mon Jul 9 05:16:43 EST 2001

On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 04:37:58PM -0400, Glen Strom wrote:
> > I was just wondering about "I reboot (I don't know how to do it the
> > right way)" and how Glen rebooted, but then, kdm did manage to start.

> When I said I didn't know the right way, I didn't mean the right way 
> to reboot--I meant I don't know how to restart the system to accept 
> the aliases without rebooting.

Rebooting was probably not necessary in the first place if you were at
the kdm login screen. Here's why: the /etc/profile file (if it exists)
is read and executed whenever you start a bash login shell.

I am guessing a little bit here, but I suspect SuSe will have added a
line to /etc/profile so that the last thing it does is to source
/etc/profile.local so that your changes have effect.

Therefore, you can test your changes by either just logging in and
starting a terminal, or (if that doesn't create a login shell), running
bash --login from a terminal window. Either way will force a re-read of
/etc/profile and friends.

[Do you get the feeling that, for some of us, rebooting isn't something
we do very often? :-) ]


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