[techtalk] Linux in Schools - a Norwegian initiative.

Magni Onsoien magnio at pvv.ntnu.no
Mon Jul 30 10:15:58 EST 2001

Some people in Norway have taken the initiative to make a Linux distro
suitable for use in schools - i.e. easy to install and ini Norwegian.
The project is quite active and with good progress, but of course they
still need more people.

So, if there are Norwegians on these lists [sorry about sending to all
of them, but I wanted to reach as many Norwegians as possible. Reply-to
is set to nordichix at sunsite.dk, the Nordic LinuxChix list which may be
slightly more on-topic :)] that haven't heard of this project or that still
aren't participating: join! :)

More information can be found on http://skolelinux.ping.uio.no/

The main mailing list for the project is linuxiskolen @vlug sysedata no,
join via http://abelix.hive.no/lis/mailingliste.html

What is particularily needed now is
- translators for KDE into Norwegian bokmål (nynorsk is pretty much on
schedule, I think)
- translators for other user programmes into bokml and nynorsk
- samii experts :)
- making an easy and user friendly installation procedure.

Magni :)
sash is very good for you.

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