[techtalk] CD-R

Conor Daly conor.daly at oceanfree.net
Wed Jul 25 01:04:13 EST 2001

On Sat, Jul 14, 2001 at 01:41:41PM -0700 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Akkana thought:
> R Winston writes:
> > Why won't CD-R discs I recorded work on my Sony DVD/CD player?  It says "no disc" when I try to play them?

I'm inclined to think either a) you haven't "closed" the discs before
trying to play them (cdrecord -fix will do that for you) or b) you are
using a particular brand of disc that your CD player doesn't like.  Try
using a different brand of disc to see if that helps.

> (I record CDs on Windows because although it was easy to follow the
> howto on ide-scsi and get my HP cdwriter recognized, I haven't been
> able to decode the cdrecord man page to figure out how to just say
> "take directory path/here and put it on the CD", and I haven't
> found any GUI wrappers that actually run.  Anyone here have a
> favorite cd writing app, or a pointer to a basic howto on how to use
> cdrecord to do the basics?  I hate having to resort to Windows.)

Um, have you had a look at the CD-Writing-HOWTO at linuxdoc.org?  It's all
laid out nicely there.  In any case, here's my standard commandline for
data CDs...

mkisofs -J -r -o image.iso <directory to build CD from>

followed by 

cdrecord image.iso

Here also is the handy little script (cdr-image) I use to figure out the size 
of the CD I'm about to make and then to make the image.  It's quick and dirty 
but convenient.

[cdaly at Valkerie bin]$ cdr-image
Useage: cdr-image -o <iso.filename> <Directory> (Default current)

[cdaly at Valkerie bin]$ cdr-image -o ~/test.iso ~/Download/
Blocks: 131965
The size of this image is...

Proceed y/n [n]? 

################### cdr-image ################################
if [ $1 ]; then
    if [ $# = "2" ]; then 
    BLKS=`mkisofs -q -J -r -print-size $* $DIR 2>&1| cut -f8 -d" "`
    KAYS=$(($BLKS * 2))
    MEGS=$(($BLKS / 512))
    GIGS=$(($BLKS / 512 / 1024))
    GIGT=$(($BLKS * 100 / 512 / 1024))
    GIGT=$(($GIGT - ($GIGS * 100)))

    echo "Blocks: "$BLKS
    echo "The size of this image is..."
    echo $KAYS"kb"
    echo $MEGS"Mb"
    echo $GIGS"."$GIGT"Gb"
    echo -n "Proceed y/n [n]? "
    read CHOICE
    if [ $CHOICE -a $CHOICE == 'y' ]; then
      mkisofs -J -r $* $DIR
  echo "Useage: "$0" -o <iso.filename> <Directory> (Default current)"
##################### end of file #############################

> 	...Akkana       http://www.shallowsky.com

Conor Daly <conor.daly at oceanfree.net>

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