[techtalk] Re: Netscape problem

Caitlyn M. Martin caitlyn at netferrets.net
Sat Sep 2 01:11:42 EST 2000

This thread should probably be on techtalk...

On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Unfortunately, I have a P100, 32Mb RAM & a 1GB harddrive.  This is
> going to be fun ---- Not!
> I guess I will find out soon enough how it goes.  Could some of the
> problems with Netscape be because it is being used on a dual-boot
> system?  Does anyone who runs a pure Linux box have the same problems
> or not?

It has nothing to do with dual booting, or the size of your hard drive, for 
that matter.  When you run Linux none of the Windows code is active.  
Netscape, simply put, is a memory hog.  32MB and it chokes.  My old box is 
similar to your configuration, and Netscape is virtually unusable.  I sure 
don't have enough patience to use it.

One suggestion:  get an older version of Netscape (i.e.: 3.04).  I know that 
means not everything is supported, but neither Opera nor Arachne's Linux 
versions are anywhere near ready for prime time.  Konqueror requires KDE2, 
which would choke your system big time.  I haven't played with Arena, but I 
haven't exactly heard recommendations for it either.

Good luck!

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