[techtalk] Distribution problems

Kath ranger at optonline.net
Mon Oct 9 18:22:52 EST 2000

I could do it in under an hour and 1/2, but I have a super fast connect (.5
Mbps DLs to BNL.gov mirror).

I would say, tough it out with Debian.  It is very powerful but easy to use.

What I would recommend doing is the following:

1.  Install Debian
2.  At the end of the install when it asks you what packages you want to
install, select both of the packages for XFree86.
3.  Login to Debian, apt-get wmaker (my windowmanager of choice), do
./XF86Setup and then startx and you are good to go with whatever you want to
install (Apache, sendmail, PHP, etc)

If you want me to explain any of those in more detail, feel free to send a
reply to me saying "WTF did you just say Kathleen?!".

- Kathleen

BTW, I've done Debian net installs with one floppy diskette before, it was
quite interesting :)

----- Original Message -----
From: <jenn at simegen.com>
To: <techtalk at linuxchix.org>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Distribution problems

> Anthony Russello wrote:
> > I've tried out debian, but due to the 3 day long install process just
> > to get a properly working box, I'm not too big a fan.  If it's the best
> > one for the job, I guess I'll just have to suck it up and deal with it.
> With the CDs available, I found it much closer to a 3-hour install
> process. YMMV, of course.
> Jenn V.
> --
>        "Do you ever wonder if there's a whole section of geek culture
> you miss out on by being a geek?" - Dancer.
> jenn at simegen.com        Jenn Vesperman
> http://www.simegen.com/~jenn/
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