[Fwd: Re: [techtalk] Technical issues (was Re: [grrltalk] "Confrontational" postings)]

coder coderman at mindspring.com
Tue Nov 21 00:57:24 EST 2000

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [techtalk] Technical issues (was Re: [grrltalk]
"Confrontational" postings)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 23:52:28 -0600
From: coder <coderman at mindspring.com>
To: Mary Gardiner <mary at creative.net.au>
References: < at pop.ncf.carleton.ca>
<3A19CA88.1B9C6867 at earthlink.net> <3A19E99F.56BFDBD0 at simegen.com>
<20001121153109.C6151 at creative.net.au>

Mary Gardiner wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 03:18:55AM +0000, jenn at simegen.com wrote:
> > Techtalk is probably the list you actually wanted, where we discuss
> > technical issues and only technical issues.
> *Is* that actually the purpose of techtalk? Most of what I see on it is "I
> have problem X, can you solve?"
> Perhaps that's what you meant by 'technical issues', sorry.
> And that's an OK thing for a mailing list to be of course.
> But when I first read the term "technical issues" I thought about a list
> where topics of discussion were more: what's a good design for an SMTP
> program? when's a good time for a program to enter release 1.0? (Both
> questions I've faced recently.)

I think techtalk should include technical support type questions (the
usual) but also technical design,configuration,analysis (also posted,
however less frequently?)

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