[techtalk] Oracle 8i on Linux - any lurking DBAs?

Fatoric, Patricia FATORIP at tc.gc.ca
Fri May 19 11:28:51 EST 2000

Hi Saska,

I created a table based on your description here on Oracle 8i (on NT).  I
ran your insert statement and had no problem updating the table.

I'm also very confused at the error message.  The documentation says you get
this error as a result of a SELECT statement not an INSERT statement (which
makes sense - you're not looking for anything when you insert data).  

ORA-01403 no data found

Cause: In a host language program, all records have been fetched. The return
code from the fetch was +4, indicating that all records have been returned
from the SQL query. 

Action: Terminate processing for the SELECT statement. 

There has to be something else going on.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


> ----------
> From: 	Saska[SMTP:saska at noogie.com]
> Sent: 	Thursday, May 18, 2000 6:59 PM
> To: 	techtalk at linuxchix.org
> Subject: 	[techtalk] Oracle 8i on Linux - any lurking DBAs?
> Hello list,
> A sysadmin and a DBA here, both stumped!
> We're running Oracle 8i on RedHat 6.1 Secure with the ArsDigita
> Community System (ACS) and AOLServer.  That may not mean anything to any
> of you; the relevant point is that the ACS (which requires Oracle) and
> AOLServer (which just uses whatever db connection the ACS has) are
> speaking properly to the database and to one another, the tables have
> automagically assembled themselves with the proper attributes, etc.
> However, when we attempt to insert values into the tables in the
> community system, we're getting a VERY strange error:
> ORA-01403: no data found
> The insert does not commit and the table remains empty.
> We have verified: (a) there are no triggers running based upon an insert
> into this table (b) no other errors are being generated (c) the same
> results occur if we insert data into the table in exactly the same order
> as is listed in the DESCRIBE results below.
> Any lurking DBAs out there who can help us figure out what the )&^#$ is
> going on?
> relevant data:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> SQL> describe users
>  Name                                      Null?    Type
>  ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------
> --------
>  USER_ID                                   NOT NULL NUMBER(38)
>  FIRST_NAMES                               NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
>  LAST_NAME                                 NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
>  SCREEN_NAME                                        VARCHAR2(100)
>  PRIV_NAME                                          NUMBER(38)
>  EMAIL                                     NOT NULL VARCHAR2(100)
>  PRIV_EMAIL                                         NUMBER(38)
>  EMAIL_BOUNCING_P                                   CHAR(1)
>  CONVERTED_P                                        CHAR(1)
>  PASSWORD                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
>  URL                                                VARCHAR2(200)
>  ON_VACATION_UNTIL                                  DATE
>  LAST_VISIT                                         DATE
>  SECOND_TO_LAST_VISIT                               DATE
>  N_SESSIONS                                         NUMBER(38)
>  REGISTRATION_DATE                                  DATE
>  REGISTRATION_IP                                    VARCHAR2(50)
>  USER_STATE                                         VARCHAR2(100)
>  APPROVED_DATE                                      DATE
>  APPROVING_USER                                     NUMBER(38)
>  APPROVING_NOTE                                     VARCHAR2(4000)
>  EMAIL_VERIFIED_DATE                                DATE
>  REJECTED_DATE                                      DATE
>  REJECTING_USER                                     NUMBER(38)
>  REJECTING_NOTE                                     VARCHAR2(4000)
>  DELETED_DATE                                       DATE
>  DELETING_USER                                      NUMBER(38)
>  DELETING_NOTE                                      VARCHAR2(4000)
>  BANNED_DATE                                        DATE
>  BANNING_USER                                       NUMBER(38)
>  BANNING_NOTE                                       VARCHAR2(4000)
>  CRM_STATE                                          VARCHAR2(50)
>  CRM_STATE_ENTERED_DATE                             DATE
>  PORTRAIT                                           BLOB
>  PORTRAIT_UPLOAD_DATE                               DATE
>  PORTRAIT_COMMENT                                   VARCHAR2(4000)
>  PORTRAIT_CLIENT_FILE_NAME                          VARCHAR2(500)
>  PORTRAIT_FILE_TYPE                                 VARCHAR2(100)
>  PORTRAIT_FILE_EXTENSION                            VARCHAR2(50)
>  PORTRAIT_ORIGINAL_WIDTH                            NUMBER(38)
>  PORTRAIT_ORIGINAL_HEIGHT                           NUMBER(38)
>  PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL                                 BLOB
>  PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH                           NUMBER(38)
>  PORTRAIT_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT                          NUMBER(38)
>  BIO                                                VARCHAR2(4000);
> SQL> INSERT INTO users (user_id,
>                    email,
>                    password,
>                    first_names,
>                    last_name,
>                    url,
>                    registration_date,
>                    registration_ip,
>                    user_state,
>                    last_visit)
>            VALUES (44,
>                    'somebody at somewhere.org',
>                    'password',
>                    'Alice',
>                    'Lidell',
>                    '',
>                    sysdate,
>                    '',
>                    'authorized',
>                    sysdate);
> ERROR at line 1:
> ORA-01403: no data found
> SQL>
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