[techtalk] Re: the Mail issue

Stephanie Alarcon beleza at bci-bluestone.com
Thu May 11 17:35:52 EST 2000

> At this point I understand that there should be a file someplace in my etc
> dir that controls access for sendmail, which is what I am currently using.
> However, I don't see one. I am going to make one and place it in the
> /etc/mail directory since that is where all of my other files are for
> sendmail... we'll see if that works.

yeah, that should do it. if you follow the right syntax and jsut put the
file in there, it should work.  we're running v8.9.  i'm sorry, i should
have been more specific. when i was looking at that i realized there was
no deny file, so that could be created on the fly, so i should have said
modify or create the file, instead of just modify. sorry for the

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