[techtalk] warm/fuzzy alternatives to outlook?

Michelle Konzack starone at cybercable.fr
Fri May 5 18:43:08 EST 2000

At 10:54 05.05.2000 +0200, Britta Koch you wrote
--------> This was the original Message:
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>On 04.05.00 at 17:55 Stephanie Alarcon wrote:
>>> And if you can not disable, why do you use a mail system which is a 
>>> security problem ??? There are many Shareware and Commercialware 
>>> products which are Better as Outlook.
>>actually, convincing our users to stop using outlook is an Ongoing Project
>>at the office, and if you have suggestions for alternatives that will make
>>average everyday users happy (they love the calendar), i would be
>>thrilled...it would save me some time, aggravation and searching.  I'm
>>an old-fashioned gal...i love my pine (done the lotus
>>ntoes/netscape/outlook thing too) and am pretty oblivious to what else is
>>out there, but try telling that to half the people in the office...they
>>look like you're offering them cod liver oil.  btw, i tried the mailer
>>inside star office 5.1 and gave up trying to configure it after about 10
>>minutes of fruitless circular clicking.  if i got annoyed, users will be
>For my private email at work, I use Calypso - it's commercial, but I think
you can get a trial version
>that has adverts. It's quite nice and doesn't open attachments, has good
filters and can do several user accounts.
>I don't know about the calendar, though...
>The URL from the About Box: http://www.mcsdallas.com

Or use Eudora !!!

There is a FREE version and a PRO version (29 US$).

The PRO version can handel multiple E-mail 
accounte and has many filters... 

...and does not open an attachment too.


P.S.:   I am using Eudora Light/Pro since 1995 
        successfuly without any problems.

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