[techtalk] DHCP, cable modem, and boxen
Shad Young
shad at quotationlocation.com
Mon Mar 6 17:05:02 EST 2000
You need to configure the box as a masquerading gateway to your subnet.
You will need to configure the DHCP client. There are a number of tools
for that available (pump I believe is a DHCP client configuration tool),
do not bother with Linuxconf. Some cable modems allow the use of a
static IP. For instance if you are here in Ottwaw Canada, Rogers cable
modems are all static and thus can bypass the dhcp crap.
Read the DHCP howto, the IP MASQUERADING HOWTO, and the NET3/4 howto.
Mail back when read if you have specific questions.
Snarfblat wrote:
> Anyone have any experience with using multiple boxes on a single cable
> modem configured for DHCP?
> There is a Win box that is able to configure and connect fine. however a
> linux box attached to the same cable modem will not work. No ip is
> assigned, and no traffic can travel through the cable modem..
> Thanks in advance...
> --
> .oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.oO()Oo.
> coderman at mindspring.com | http://cubicmetercrystal.com/
> "You are the product of a mutational union
> of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."
> ************
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