[techtalk] CD-R Problems

coder coderman at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 22 04:03:34 EST 2000

Something got hosed, let me try again:

coder wrote:
> /etc/lilo.conf:

--	image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.12
--	  root = /dev/hda1
--	  label = linux-2.2.12
--	  append="hdc=ide-scsi"

Note that you may still need to load the sg, and possibly ide-scsi and
loop kernel modules once your system has started.

Hope that helps.

    coderman at mindspring.com | http://cubicmetercrystal.com/
         "You are the product of a mutational union 
           of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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