[techtalk] need database recomendations

Julie Meloni jcm at i2ii.com
Tue Jan 4 20:25:54 EST 2000

We use MySQL for all of oour database-driven/e-commerce sites, and it's
the example database used throughout my soon-to-be-published PHP
Essentials book (although PHP's other database functions are documented
as well...).  

However, I don't do really well in holy wars, so I'm just offering the
URL to this database comparison mechanism.  I use it when sitting with a
client, to show them how much money we'll be saving by not buying
Oracle. :)  It's unbiased, even if it is run by the mysql folks; it'll
give you honest comparisons.


(the "y" in ".htmly" is not a typo)

- Julie


Julie Meloni		i2i Interactive (east)
Technical Director	703-813-5526
jcm at i2ii.com		www.i2ii.com


techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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