[techtalk] Lisp (was: X Mail client recommendations)

Jenn V. jenn at simegen.com
Mon Feb 21 17:58:14 EST 2000

Robert Kiesling wrote:

> It's not one of my favorite languages either.  I'm afraid I don't know
> of any documentation besides what's in the distribution.  I guess the
> usual advice from the Emacs gurus would be "use the source."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but 'you don't know of any Lisp documentation
besides what's in the Emacs distribution'? Are those the missing

If so:
* take thyself unto a shoppe with dealeth with the sale of scrolls
and parchments. Speak unto the keeper thereof, and asketh for 
parchments which deal with Lisp.
* take thyself unto the 'net, yeah even unto the place known as 
'google', or perhaps unto 'savvysearch'. 

A quick google search revealed several tutorials. A quick search
of Amazon.com (I know, I know) revealed lots of books.

I can't recommend any personally - the uni I went to taught us 
Prolog as our declarative language.

Jenn V.
  "We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor. 
   This is women's work!"
		Helix, Freefall. http://www.purrsia.com/freefall/

Jenn Vesperman    jenn at simegen.com     http://www.simegen.com/~jenn

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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