[techtalk] Squid vs Browser cache

Subba Rao subb3 at attglobal.net
Sat Feb 19 08:58:28 EST 2000

On  0, jenn at simegen.com wrote:
> Subba Rao wrote:
> > 
> > I have installed Squid on my system. How do I set the
> > browser to not cache any file and use Squid's cache
> > instead? This will also prove my Squid's caching cofiguration
> > to me.
> It depends on the browser, but it's called 'proxy'.
> In Netscape:
> 	Edit menu
> 	Preferences
> 	Advanced
> 	(expand Advanced so it shows cache and proxies)
> 	Proxies
> Then put in the address and port of your Squid proxy server.

Thanks for replying. I set the Browser's (Netscape) to 0, but it looks
like Squid is not cacheing. The ppp0 interface, shows inbound traffic
each time I visit a site. This is not the first time I am going to that
site. I go to the site back and forth to test, and ppp0 shows inbound
traffic. What flags in Squid.conf, should I look for? How do I configure
squid to update the DB every 15 minutes instead of every hour?

Thank you once again.

Subba Rao
subb3 at attglobal.net

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