[techtalk] Re: [grrltalk] Okay, I've d/loaded the Beta KDE2
Caitlyn M. Martin
caitlyn at netferrets.net
Sun Aug 6 11:39:29 EST 2000
Hi, Carol,
This thread is probably best moved to the techtalk list to get you the=20
maximum number of responses. I've taken the liberty of crossposting it t=
both lists in case you aren't subscribed to techtalk yet. (If you're not=
, I=20
highly recommend it. Nothing but lots of friendly help.)
> I read on the list that someone installed the Beta KDE2 and has the opt=
> of running both KDE1 or KDE2. I went to one of the mirror sites and
> d/loaded the .rpms of KDE2, but I don't know how to install it. I looke=
> on the KDE site, bbut the install instructions were for the 1.1.1 versi=
> and the HOWTO for running both 1 and 2 assume you've already installed =
If you downloaded RPMs there are two ways to install them. The command l=
way is to type in:
rpm -ivh <package name>
to install them. SInce you aren't using the -U option, but rather -1, yo=
won't overwrite or remove previous versions. =20
If you have KDE1 in place, you can open the super-user mode file manager =
just click on the downloaded RPMs. This will open a kpackage window (you=
need to enter the root password to get in) and allow you to just click on=
"install". Once a kpackage window is open for the first RPM, you can dra=
and drop the rest into that window. That way you don't have to=20
reauthenticate each time or end up with many kpackage windows open.
> I'm also not wanting it to screw up my KDE1 and would please like to kn=
> how you did it.
I cannot speak for SuSe, as I did it on a system running Caldera 2.4. Al=
l I=20
did was install the KDE2 RPMs. The packagers set things up so that KDE2=20
goes to /opt/kde2 rather than opt/kde. =20
I then chose to adjust my path statement in my .profile to list /opt/kde2=
first and opt/kde second. This allowed me to run apps from KDE2 in KDE=20
1.1.2, but then I had to hard-code my menu entries to the=20
/opt/kde/<programname> to run KDE1 apps that were broken in KDE2 or else=20
weren't happy about running in a KDE1 environment. KSpread, for example,=
does nothing but crash run from KDE1, but is usable from KDE2.
The effect of all of this is that this message is being typed in the new=20
KMail, which has some minor bugs, but really is very, very nice, despite =
fact that I am still mostly living in KDE 1.1.2.
Oh, and going back to the install process: the order which you install t=
RPMs in does make a difference if you don't want to get a gazillion=20
dependency failures. Install qt2-2.1.1 first, then all the other qt RPMs=
then the kdeqtaddon, kdesuppport, kdelibs, kdebase, and all the rest afte=
> I also d/loaded the newest StarOffice and will install that next. It's =
> as easy as windows, but I'm determined. I've had the linux machine up a=
> running almost of the day.
It *is* as easy as Windows, maybe easier. It is not as easy for *you*=20
because you are coming from a Windows environment which you are used to. =
you were learning in Linux first and then had to switch to Windows, you=20
might be making the opposite complaint.
IBM commissioned a study at one point when Microsoft was spreading FUD ab=
how difficult OS/2 was. They gave people who had no previous computer=20
experience one OS or the other, and guaged how long it took them to becom=
proficient in specific tasks, and how easy it was to find help within the=
or the provided docs. Guess what? OS/2 was far easier to learn. Howeve=
Microsoft could still spread their FUD because most people weren't starti=
from zero.
> I would greatly appreciate any and all help in this.
That's what we're here for :)
Take care,
Caitlyn M=E1ire Martin
caitlyn at netferrets.net
This message was written on and sent from a Microsoft-free computer=20
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