[techtalk] Broad techtalk question...Image processing and Digital Cameras

Amanda Owens amowens at radonc.duke.edu
Fri Dec 10 09:20:19 EST 1999

I have an Epson PhotoPC 750Z. It interfaces *great* via serial port using 
the photopc package. Check out www.average.org - I have their ftp site 
tagged (www.average.org/ftp/photopc/).

There is also the gphoto package, which is a graphical interface with 
backends for a lot of cameras. According to the webpage, that package is 
supposed to be using the photopc driver for Epson cameras, but I have yet 
to actually have gphoto *find* my camera. It could be serial port 
problems, but I'm not sure. We're still working on that. You can check 
out gphoto at www.gphoto.org - they have a list of cameras that are 
supposed to work fine.


On Fri, 10 Dec 1999, Steve Kudlak wrote:

> Has anyone interfaced any sort of digital camera to linux. Are there pre-written drivers written, or is
> that a write your own sort of thing. Any info would be appreciated, or experiences. Either using the
> serial or the USB port.
> Thanks,
> Have Fun,
> Sends Steve
> ************
> techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

techtalk at linuxchix.org   http://www.linuxchix.org

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