[techtalk] X Display

Jeff Dike jdike at karaya.com
Thu Dec 9 00:59:37 EST 1999

> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server Xlib: Client is not
> authorized to connect to Server Error: Can't open display: :0.0

> By changing the current configuration, I will be loosening the
> security of X windows, but I do need other users to be able to use the
> same display at the same time. How do I accomplish that? What files do
> I need to change? 

The problem is xauth.  You need to copy the contents of your .Xauthority file 
to the new user's $HOME.  A straight copy might work, but I use
	xauth merge ~me/.Xauthority
as the new user.

This works when you're root, but might need to be done somewhat differently if 
an unprivileged user is trying to use your display.

You might also look into turning off xauth authentication and sticking with 


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