[techtalk] Home pages for regular users
Adriana Gonzalez
adriana at hq.mycity.com
Thu Dec 2 20:34:34 EST 1999
Kathleen Weaver wrote:
> >How can my other users on this system, have their own web pages?
> >I want them to have their own directories and HTML documents (in their
> >$HOME directories). I may allow simple CGI programs.
> Have them create a directory called public_html
> Their "home page" should be in a file called index.html or index.htm
> Any files should be set with 755 permission -- (use chmod 755 file.name)
> Their webpages will be at server/~userid
> I think they just put in a cgi_bin directory -- you may need to do something in the apache configuration but I haven't gotten this far.
You need to have something like this in your httpd.conf
UserDir public_html #This will tell apache which are the user's web dirs
<Directory "/home/*/public_html/"> #These are the "permissions" for the directories.
AllowOverride None
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
Order deny,allow
Allow from All
<Directory "/home/*/public_html/cgi_bin">
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
The way that is set, it will allow everybody to see the public_html dirs, but only the things in the cgi_bin
will be executable.
The apache's documentation is pretty good. Mine is installed in:
You should check yours for details.
Adriana Gonzalez
techtalk at linuxchix.org http://www.linuxchix.org
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