[prog] Re : Comments on response to closure: what next?

Diana Ionescu dianabesliu at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 01:37:14 UTC 2007

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Mary Gardiner <mary at puzzling.org>
À : programming at linuxchix.org
Envoyé le : Mardi, 12 Juin 2007, 16h36mn 01s
Objet : [prog] Comments on response to closure: what next?

A quick observation: very few people who posted opposing closure have
ever posted to this list (Jacinta is a major exception).

Yes, I AM one of them. 
I haven't post anything, because mainly I look in the archive to find stuff or.... feel that my questions are too dumb and try to find the explanations somewhere else.
I think there are more programming "newbies" that feel the same way that I feel.

I am not a programmer ar (probably) most of the people on this list are.
But I *do* program some of the codes that I need in my field (solar physics), or just adjust some other codes that I got from our collaborators which... can be very difficult (as you need to understand someone else's mind).

So... If you want to close this list, I think no one can really argue. But... there will be people missing it.


Now, on the question of "how quiet is too quiet?", my thought is this:
you learn what is suitable on a list by watching other people post to
the list. At the moment, if I (I'm a programmer) have a cool idea or
quibble or rant about programming, this is the last place I'd think to
send it, and that's because I haven't had the list show me how it wants
to be used. No one else is using it for anything. I don't know what size
audience I'd get by posting here, what level of responses, anything like
that. So I post to spaces that I know.

If you care about this space as much as your responses suggest, you need
to develop it. Figure out what you want to use it for, and then use it.
We'll always have lots of lurkers around, but we can't all be lurkers.
There were 13 posts in 2007 prior to mine. This list doesn't need to be
as active as techtalk, but that really does seem low for a place where
discussions are meant to happen.

Anyway, given this, I'll leave the list open but return to the question
at the end of the year.

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