[prog] Popup in PHP or Javascript

Kathryn Hogg kjh at flyballdogs.com
Tue Apr 11 02:52:44 EST 2006

tiera at bredband.net wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 06:46:47PM -0500, Kathryn Hogg wrote:
>> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="15 ; URL=your_second_url">
> I have some calculations that need to be made before the popup is
> opened. It seems wrong to guess how long they will take. Does the
> above really open a popup?

I would expect that when your form is submitted that the html it generates
would include the http-equiv refresh and that you would set the timer to a
small value like 0 or 1.  You would need to add a 'target=...' to the url
to make it open in a new window.  I don't know if its possible to add
target to the refresh but its worth checking in to.


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