[prog] Getting Remote_User .htaccess (not working)

Almut Behrens almut-behrens at gmx.net
Fri Nov 19 09:06:17 EST 2004

On Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 07:35:57PM +1100, Gareth Anderson wrote:
> This is my .htaccess file (I got this installed on the yoyo server
> because others didn't work):
> "
> order deny,allow
> deny from all
> AuthType Basic
> AuthName "Monash Directory Service (authcate)"
> AuthLDAPUrl ldap://directory.monash.edu.au/o=Monash University, c=au
> require valid-user
> satisfy any
> "
> Its called mod_auth_ldap
> http://nona.net/software/ldap/compile/
> Anyway, I cannot get the $REMOTE_USER variable in the directory where
> the .htaccess is, authenticaation takes place and it works fine...

Are you really sure it is working?  Or, put differently, are you sure
you're running apache 1.3.x (as you said in the other mail) with the
mod_auth_ldap module available at the URL you mentioned above?
If you're really running version 1.3.x, your .htaccess configuration
cannot work, AFAICT.

There are two distinct mod_auth_ldap modules, one for the apache 1.3.x
series, and the other for 2.x.  Despite their identical names, they are
rather different, each with their own set of incompatible configuration
directives.  In particular, the mod_auth_ldap-for-1.3.x does not have a
"AuthLDAPUrl" option[1] -- so I'd expect you to see an "Internal server
error", if you put that option into your .htaccess file...

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to prove you wrong in any way,
but unless we know what your precise setup is, we won't know what
documentation to look at... :)

For 1.3.x that would be:


and for 2.x, there's the regular apache documentation:


So, the first step would be to resolve this inconsistency and find out
which version of apache/mod_auth_ldap actually is running.  With a bit
of luck, this might well make you solve your $REMOTE_USER issue all by


[1] instead, you'll at least need AuthLDAPHosts, AuthLDAPUserKey and
AuthLDAPPassKey -- maybe some others as well. 

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