[prog] Ruby?

Sue Stones suzo at spin.net.au
Tue Nov 9 00:13:00 EST 2004

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 10:50 pm, Katie Bechtold wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 10:06:42AM -0800, Laurel Fan wrote:
> > Just curious:  Is anyone using Ruby here, or interested in learning it?
> I'd be interested in learning Ruby.  One thing that has driven my
> curiosity about Ruby is Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby at
> http://poignantguide.net/ruby/.  It's playful and fun, a really
> unusual style for writing about programming languages.

What an excelent link.  I love his style, he has the ability to explain a 
rather abstract concept in the absoulutly minimim number of words and yet 
totally clearly, and with out sounding at all terse.

Well it seems like there are a few of us that are interested in learning Ruby, 
and we could probalby pick up a few more if we anounce a study group.  
Especially as it seems that Ruby is eminantly suitable for people who have 
never programmed before.

I an happy to organise a study group on the courses, its likely to take me a 
week to get to it.  In the meantime, it gives those who want to an oportunity 
to get hold of a book.

The next question is how to organise things.  I have a couple of suggestions, 
that are not mutually exclusive.

i) we can each post summaries of what we are learning, and discuss them.
ii) we can each suggest 'problems to solve' and then everyone can go away and 
try and solve them, and discuss how they dealt with it.  (eg "write a hello 
world program").

Any comments on this, other suggestions.


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