[prog] Reading data file

dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net
Sat Jan 24 01:50:21 EST 2004


"Daniel." <cristofd at hevanet.com> writes:
> If the problem is extracting individual flags from the 32-bit
> messageflags variable, you use a bitwise and. In bash I think this
> would look like
> let "REPLIEDFLAG = ($MSGFLAGS & 16)/16"
> let "FORWARDEDFLAG = ($MSGFLAGS & 32)/32"

Ahem, the correct syntax is:
REPLIEDFLAG=$((($MSGFLAGS & 16) / 16))

i.e.: no "let", no spaces around "=", and the calculation inside $(()).
Also worth noting: this works in bash, not in sh.


Dominik Schramm <dominik.schramm at gmxpro.net>
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