[prog] more CGI programming

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Mon May 26 11:53:16 EST 2003

Hi Patricia.

>If it would be any help to you,
>Dan, maybe I could post some of the code we've got so far, with some of
>the questions we currently have? My code is commented like crazy, so I
>don't forget why I did things!

So you're learning Perl, too? That's great.

LinuxChix is all about programmers helping each other. So if you have any 
questions, I'm sure that people here are quite happy to answer them. 
Posting functions just to point out a cool trick you've learned might also 
be okay now and then, but not to be overdone.

As a reminder, LinuxChix's bandwidth is limited. Please post only snippets 
of code to the list. If you want to send the whole program, post a URL or 
send it directly to people who ask for it.

In any case, sure, I would love to see what you've been doing, even if it's 

>The app in question is a documentation program for small enterprises
>who export live seafood.

Well, that's original. But so much the better: there are already enough 
open-source web browsers, text editors, debugging tools, etc.

>We decided to use a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl)

Uh, I'm used to LAMP standing for Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.   :-)

========== Dan Richter ============== mailto:Dan at wimba.com ===========
  [Larry] Wall [inventor of Perl] believes that people think about
  things in different ways, that natural languages accommodate many
  mindsets, and that programming languages should too.
    - Jon Udell, in his essay, "A Perl Hacker in the Land of Python"

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