[prog] Combining PostScript documents

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Fri May 9 13:53:09 EST 2003

Thanks, Almut: that answered my question quite nicely.

Just to give a little background, I give presentations of technology, and I 
write the slides in HTML (thus avoiding proprietary software). I use CSS to 
set the font size to be really big, and everything works great: I can write 
a slide in HTML in about the time it would take to write a PowerPoint slide.

However, one drawback is that I can't print out the slides, say, four per 
page. But most applications under Linux (including web browsers) allow you 
to "print to a file", writing the PostScript output to a file. If I can 
concatenate the files and convert the result to PDF, I can configure my 
printer to print the result at four pages per piece of paper.

========== Dan Richter ============== mailto:Dan at wimba.com ===========
   [M]y wife and I attended grad school in linguistics at Berkeley
   and UCLA. At the time, we were actually planning to be
   missionaries (more specifically, Bible translators), but we had
   to drop that idea for health reasons. Funny thing is, now the
   missionaries probably get more good out of Perl than they'd have
   gotten out of me as a missionary. Go figure.
      - Larry Wall (inventor of Perl)

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