[prog] HTTP-to-HTTPS tunnel

Dan Richter daniel.richter at wimba.com
Wed Jun 18 08:59:50 EST 2003

Does anyone know of a simple program that provides an HTTP-to-HTTPS tunnel?

I'm writing a Perl program that grabs e-mail off of a webmail system, but 
most webmail systems use HTTPS and Perl's LWP::UserAgent class can't handle 
that. I've tried sending it through wget but I can't figure out a way to 
transfer version 2 cookies. (You can't just output those to a 
Netscape-style cookie file, can you?)

========== Dan Richter ============== mailto:Dan at wimba.com ===========
       [M]any people have been suffering in silence.
            - Alan Greenberg, 70, on his plans to donate
              $1 million worth of Viagra to impoverished men.

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