[Makers] What is everybody making?

Michelle Murrain michelle at murrain.net
Sun Jun 14 22:44:40 UTC 2015

Hi Amanda,

Can you describe the project in more detail? I don't really know what you
mean by GKOS chording.

I have to admit, one of the things I did really well in embarking on this
process of getting into these electronic projects was to set up my space
and buy a lot of stuff. :) It's nice to know I'm almost ready for anything,
although there seem to always be little things I don't have, though. Like I
was doing one exercise in the electronics book, and I realized I didn't
have any 100uF capacitors - so I had to wait a few days until they came.

Where do people get their stuff? (I'm imagining US folks and non-US folks
are going to have different sources.) My favorites are Adafruit and Mouser
electronics. I've also gotten a couple of things from sparkfun.

It's way too tempting to just shop and not do. :-)


Michelle Murrain
michelle at murrain.net

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the
necessary may speak.” (Hans Hofmann)

On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Amanda Babcock Furrow <alb at quandary.org>

> I'm hoping this group can inspire me to actually *finish* my Arduino
> project :)  I'm trying to make a GKOS chording input device.  I keep
> taking two year breaks on the project, during which all my tech becomes
> obsolete!
> The last thing I did was solder wires into the holes of... either the
> tiny Arduino or the equally tiny Bluetooth HID card.  I was nervous
> about my soldering job and unsure how to check whether I'd succeeded,
> and I just... left it there.
> Also I need to set up my own work space for this.  That would help.
> Amanda
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2015 at 11:03:01PM +0930, Robyn Willison wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm making a Mind Controlled Arduino Robot
> > http://makezine.com/2012/03/05/make-a-mind-controlled-arduino-robot/
> > I am using the internals from a 'Force Trainer' toy
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_Trainer instead of buying the
> > Mindwave. One of the hackerspace guys has used it before and is helping
> > with the programming.
> >
> > So far the robot is working and the mind control part is sending data
> back
> > to the arduino which we can see in the Serial Monitor.
> >
> > I am making the robot as part of Science Alive
> > http://www.scienceweek.net.au/science-alive/ our hackerspace has had an
> > exhibition there for the past few years.
> >
> > Robyn
> >
> >
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