[IndiChix] An Open request to LinuxChix-India

Gayathri Swaminathan gayathri.swa at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 14:24:29 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:23 AM, <hassath at gmail.com> wrote:

> 5. I personally prefer that persons who are active in the community
> take up responsibilities and ownerships. However, I understand that
> some members on the list might prefer to have an "advisory" group too.
> 6. I appreciate that the formation of such groups is for a more
> orderly and systematic approach. However, I would like to clarify that
> anyone who wishes to volunteer for anything can do so right away and
> not wait for the groups to be formed. We can and must continue our
> activities alongside the process of group formation.
> 7. Gayathri has listed a few names from her experience. Thanks for
> that, Gayathri. However, I notice that other than Vid and me, the
> others in that list are silent. Please do respond, even if it is to
> disagree.

Hey Hassath,

Thanks for itemizing the crux of issues. I found Swati's contact via
googling but you are right that cc-ing that was slightly inappropriate.

Suggested the list of names based of list archives/past activities. I might
have left out some active members so please feel free to include names to
our representative list.

Appears we are all agreeing to handle the domain ownership separate from
structuring LinuxChix-India.

Here are my votes for our future groups:


Swati (if she comes back to LinuxChix)

Administrators - basing this off current participation.

Wiki administrators - Runa/ Ankita
Planet administrators - Barkha/ Aneesha
List administrators - Hassath, Vidya, Archana,Not sure of names of these
individuals( laksharma at gmail.com, radha.nitt at gmail.com, tsvuij at
gmail.com <indichix-owner at linuxchix.org>)

It would be nice to have volunteers/ representations for other roles
suggested here -


- Systems administrators
- Content administrators
- Designer
- LinuxChix-India lobbyist (media/marketing contact or group)

If we feel these groups are needed list members should vote/volunteer
accordingly. I volunteer for systems/content administration.

Gayathri Swaminathan
gpgkey: 3EFB3D39
Volunteer, FDP
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