[IndiChix] [Grrltalk] COC and Policy for Chapters

Vid Ayer vid at svaksha.com
Sat Jan 3 05:39:48 UTC 2009

>> LinuxChix-India has a lot of work ahead this year in terms of strengthening:
>> - why it exists
>> - how to encourage participation
>> - reforming guidelines/protocols for communication.
> These were all available at the wiki pages on [ linuxchix.org.in ]
> until yesterday. As of today the website/wiki pages we were using has
> become inaccessible. Can someone find out from Barkha and Aneesha what
> the problem is?

Sorry, that was a local isp problem.  So here is the link i wanted to add.

http://linuxchix.org.in/wiki/index.php/LC-Labs (I have not updated the
page to reflect the generosity of sponsors from Mumbai, Pune and Delhi

and more .........if you want to add your ideas to the wiki.


|| http://www.svaksha.com ||
|| You are what your deepest desire is ; As you desire, so is your
intention ; As your intention, so is your will ; As is your will, so
is your deed ; As is your deed, so is your destiny | ~Upanishads ||

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