Linuxchix in Bangalore

Vikram Vincent vincentvikram at
Thu Dec 13 16:37:20 UTC 2007


(This mail has been pending in my drafts since

It was a good start for the Linuxchix in Bangalore. I agree with
Christian that we guys should shut our mouths more and keep our ears
open. Well, to err is human.... I just hope that we don't over do it :)

I am here to basically pledge my services as an activist in the free software movement here in Karnataka.

Firstly, I visit schools and colleges on a regular basis and so could help with the networking.

Secondly, the Institution I work with (Christ College, Bangalore) are
happy to help by offering the Institutions' resources for meetings,
student volunteers, etc 

And now that we are aware that there are so many women who are willing
to coordinate - I think that the free software movement in Karnataka
will definitely be enriched.

Towards more women free software contributors.

With fraternal greetings,

Vikram Vincent
+91 9448810822


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