pdf trouble

Nishita Desai nish.des at OVj-MlRGoNuRQAu_2sfj5Nafy5Oj6JQ-g_aVgBAqeWXhqpx8DrXP6l_ixqSkur9OTvWUPEUGqEI.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 19 19:09:20 UTC 2006

Hi there,
 Sorry if this does not exactly fall under linux stuff.
I got a CD with a few very important pdfs. However, kpdf and
kghostview refuse to open it because they detect the mime type to be
application/octet-stream instead of application/pdf. The same with ps
files. Now from some googling, I understand that the change in mime
type helps as the browsers may respond to it by saving the file
instead of opening it. most problems were regarding mail readers and
solutions suggested changng the headers. But here, I see nothing of
the sort. How do I change the MIME type back?
Here's the error mesage I got :
Could not open /mnt/cdrom/ebooks/direacmono.pdf which has type
application/octet-stream. KGhostview can only load PostScript (.ps,
.eps) and Portable Document Format (.pdf) files.




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