[Indianlc] Re: Linux Fedora core 4

Archana.S.R archu.oct at 7AgAsjmQ0b7hu9YGWuZ_5h2LLES0Q8gk3VHOxrCErybGLTJNQt4eODgrG2fmGAg9suBxY6o7Wwfa.yahoo.invalid
Fri Sep 9 12:47:41 UTC 2005

> and about the speed. Can you tell me when that was happening. I mean
> when the system used to behave slow. coz i have used 2 and 4 but not

i would love to
when i use open office.. (takes some min 2 minutes to open !! )
when i open multiple terminal sessions.
when i play music along wiht other two..
but i find such things only when i use kde.
i dont use gnome for its lazy look.
i started using fluxbox and it sounded fine to suit my minimal needs

BTW iam having 512mb ddr ram 
now i removed fc 4 and installed suse 9.3 prof to have a look at it.
i wil wait for the next kernel release to install any linux stuff further..

> 3. Btw I am using RHEL 4.1, no fedora any more :-)

nice to know that :)
in wat way rhel is different from fc's... except for the community work?



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