[Indianlc] for the non slashdotters

Luiz Guaraldo ( Software Livre ) software.livre at xL6LGG5IUqfpHEcAsxgYhxU1Iw9AiKwxp49FOIrr770eo-OijARBOtGHtSAweX1LIO07yf9W8HUbVufWBtoTLJI.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 22 11:55:45 UTC 2005

"After all, is a mailing list for them, so they decide."

I agree with you, Sulamita. Tey can decide this without my point of view. But I gave it anyway... And in the and of my mail I said and reforce now: "more one list or not to sign will not bug any mailler..."

If they decide to those links can't be send, sanding them will not be allowed!

Pink power all over the world: Who can do this are you, women!


Luiz Guaraldo
Analista de Sistemas


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Brasmarine Serviços Portuários LTDA.
Avenida Ceará, 410  -  CEP 90240-510
Porto Alegre   /   RS    /    Brasil

Sulamita Garcia escreveu:

>Hi girls and guys
>>In LinuxChix-BR anyone signed send curiouse news, and it is a good way
>>to keep everyone informed. But this is a personal option. And more one
>>list or not to sign will not bug any mailler... :-D
>Yes, but that's why we are linuxchix-BR and they are linuxchix-IN, we are
>I loved that link, which turned into a big thread in a well know forum in
>Brazil. We still have to fight against the idea that women are not so good
>in maths - and hence in computer science - as men, because some scientist
>said so. So I translated that article and start the discussion again...
>but hey, for each guy who believes in that, we have 4 others that don't
>believe, so, things are changing!
>In Linuxchix-BR we post some links about importante Linux news and women &
>computers related stuff. But every time people start to say "it should be
>that or that way", I ask for the girls. After all, is a mailing list for
>them, so they decide.
>As I saw, most of girl in that list think that kind of link should be not
>sent. So I support the fact that they decide about the rules of the
>mailing list.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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