[Indianlc] Bringing Women into LC was (Re: Intro to LCI list)
Anivar Aravind
anivar.aravind at 3ke_Hgq045K7rIRYiHwAvjV7mHxfsgiqm38gQD-OjIDBf-Ag3e7sPypGgrHfaTePBOooiWiN-uB_Zpg-li84f3as.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 18 09:42:03 UTC 2005
Dear Archana & Fred,
While looking at your comments and fred's post about asiasource i'm
remembering a wonderfull discussion on FLOSS n Gender on asiasiasourse
& gender evaluation of the event.
I'm also remembering another network named grep|grrl (
http://grepgrrl.org ) , a initiative on Genter & Free software
initially started by the women working on tech/geek side of indymedia
network ( http://www.indymedia.org )
grepgrrl is an international (F, NL/RO, D, CA) group of girls who try
to promote, via documents, workshops and documentaries, the use of
free software and the appropriation of technical skills among girls.
now they are in the steps to create video interviews with women
hackers/geeks, to produce a dvd.
survey on women in the freeSoftwareCommunity :
Resources on women and Free software ( alot of articles are here) :
Anivar Aravind
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